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    During his lifetime, David Garfinkiel organized five personal exhibitions.Thereafter, the Salon des Independants devoted a tribute, and then five other exhibitions have been organized.
    These exhibitions are:

    Personal exhibitions

    Bibliothèque Polonaise de Paris Paris 2017
    Musée du Montparnasse Paris 2010 184x305-images-stories-affiche--22-muse-montparnasse-clairciep1050640
    Centre d’art et de culture Espace Rachi Paris 2006
    Galerie Colette Dubois Paris 1989
    Galerie Aleph Paris 1979
    Rétrospective au Salon des Indépendants Paris 1972
    Katz Art Gallery Tel Aviv 1961
    Musée Bat-Yam Bat Yam / Israel 1961
    Galerie Zak Paris 1958
    Famous Café Los Angeles 1947
    Provinces de France Lyon 1942


    ÉDOUARD RODITI  About the Aleph gallery tribute-exhibition in 1979:
    Among the paintings, aquarelles and drawings of Garfinkiel (…) [there are] some subjects that take inspiration from Jewish Eastern Europe folklore, but moreover landscapes and still-lifes that convey to us joie de vivre and a very personal painter’s sensuality ; and these latter qualities indeed distinguish Garfinkiel’s painting not only from Soutine’s, so tortured, that he admired, but also from so many other darker painters from Montparnasse school he knew and frequented.

    Edouard Roditi, ( 1910- 1992), linguist, poet, novelist, art critic, biographer, translator and essayist. He dedicated many works to the painters Delacroix, Degas, or Beardsley and conducted interviews with modern artists like Marc Chagall, Joan Miro, Oskar Kokoschka, Philippe Derome, Hannah Höch, Max Ernst, Victor Brauner, Carlo Carrà, and Leonor Fini most of which were assembled in « Propos sur l’art ».


    affiche zak 200 pix - copie   WALDEMAR GEORGE  About the Zak Galerie exhibition in 1958 :
    Garfinkiel acknowledges that he draws with a paint-brush and paints by visible, translucent, free and dense strokes. Sometimes his material recalls mosaïc (…). The painted work of Garfinkiel, this discreet visionnary man, is a  double polarity work. It includes, first of all, a sequence of pictures which find in themselves their intimate reason to be [like some portraits or still lifes]….. To these gamuts, to these prose poems, to these gratuitously-marked chords, visions with a dramatic accent are opposed. The fineness and the extreme acuteness of visual  perception from a purely impressionnist educated painter give place this time to an apocalyptic and romantic expressionnism (…) . Waldemar George 1893-1970, is tied to the first School of Paris and wrote many of  monograhies on Picasso, Matisse, Utrillo, Gris, Léger, Gromaire, Maillol, etc. He was among the first art critics talking to artists like Chagall and Soutine and many others originating in eastern Europe. Exhibition organiser, he was also an accomplished revue-director, collaborating with  L’amour de l’art, Formes, La Renaissance, l’Art et les artistes, Beaux-Arts…


    About the Colette Dubois exhibition in 1989:
    Besides his pure painting pages, with surprisingly strong figures
    , we can find in his work the eternal Jewish weddings,the traditional musicians, but dealing with these regular topics, to which the artist will manage to give a personal accent; Garfinkiel knows how to go beyond the anecdote: with him the painter overcomes the story teller  (…).
    David Garfinkiel, gentle and modest man, used to hide his beautiful authentic creator’s personality by showing us quiet still-lives, modest and decent flowers but, suddenly we delightedly find voluptuous nudes, vast compositions in which the passionate temper of the artist reveals itself with strength and with unsuspected eagerness.
    Garfinkiel, unobtrusive painter who during his life will stay in half light, now appears to us as the most deserving descendant of his great elders [from the School of Paris].

    Moussia Toulman (1903-1997) was a listened art critic and a collectionneuse. She donated part of her collection to the museum of Ein Harod in Galilee.


    Group exhibitions
    Salon des Indépendants Paris 1932, de 1951 à 1970
    Salon d’Automne Paris de 1961 à 1965, 1967
    GAJEF devenu APSJF (Association des artistes, peintres, et
    sculpteurs juifs de France
    Paris de 1945 à 1970…
    Galerie Drouant Paris 1945
    Salon de l’Art Libre Paris 1951, 1952, 1954
    Galerie Vibaud Paris 1952
    Salon de l’Ecole Française Paris 1955
    Exposition Internationale du musée des  Beaux-Arts de Paris Paris 1956
    4ème salon de peinture et sculpture Taverny 1960
    6ème Salon artistique Pré Saint Gervais 1963
    Salon du XIXé arrondissement Paris 1963
    Société des amis des arts de Vanves Vanves 1963
    Salon de Versailles Versailles 1966
    Galerie Welter Paris 1968
    Galerie Katia Granoff « Peintres de l’Ecole de  Paris Paris 1968
    International Art Exhibition Tel-Aviv 1970
    Centre Culturel Juif Paris 1973
    Paris Marseille De la Canebière à Montparnasse Musée du Montparnasse – Paris 2003
    Paris Marseille De la Canebière à Montparnasse Château Borély à Marseille 2003-2004


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